Here are some of them..
I love seeing those pics again and again and again and again and again.. You really know how to amaze your wife, my love..
Here are some of them..
I love seeing those pics again and again and again and again and again.. You really know how to amaze your wife, my love..
Paling yang bisa gue lakukan adalah maksa dia untuk tiap hari minum jus (seperti saran mertua gue) yang gue bikin, jus sayuran dan buah yang banyak antioksidannya supaya daya tahan tubuhnya bagus dan gak gampang sakit. Bukannya anti kepraktisan, tapi suami gue nggak suka makan multivitamin. So, kerjaan gue sekarang ngebooking sayuran dan buah-buahan ke tukang sayur, minta dibawain yang seger. Yang namanya wortel mah tiap hari gue beli sekilo. TIAP HARI! -padahal aslinya gue kan males masak- jadi kebayang kan tukang sayur juga bingung, gue ngga pernah belanja, sekalinya belanja kayak mau buka toko sayur hahaha..
Oiya, suami gue udah serajin itu, rekanan di kantornya yang orang Jepang masih aja ngoceh-ngoceeeeh ngga karuan. Katanya orang Indonesia lelet-lelet, pemalas, kurang inisiatif, dan sebagainya deh.. Mungkin ada benernya, dan yang kena omel kata suami gue hampir semuaaaaa orang di kantor. Bingung gue, tu Jepang nggak ngeliat ya dia cari makannya di mana? Di negara yang orangnya dia hina-hina itu bukan..?
Dia bilang gini ke suami gue (dia gak bisa pake bahasa Indonesia), "You all Indonesian people are working too slow-ne, lazy-ne, I cannot understand-o why you all have that kind of habit-o.." -bacanya pake logat Jepang yah, hehe..-
Laki gue manggut-manggut aja, sambil terus melototin kerjaan. Karena kalo diladenin entar malah jadi lama kelarnya.
"We are Japanese always working, working and working.. We have no time to get back and relax. We were born to work!"
Kalo gue jadi suami gue, gue bakal bilang gini, "Aaah.. no wonder you Japanese people are so easy to commit suicide.. You are all living in really heavy pressure, harakiri here.. harakiri there.. We are Indonesian always laughing and joking and talking about nothing, and we never think about commit suicide!"
Laki gue ketawa waktu gue ngomong gitu.. Duh, seneng deh liat dia smile like that. Jadi mukanya nggak butek dan kusut terus kaya cewek di iklan TimTam (hahaha.. serem itu mah!). Tapi tetep gue bersyukur alhamdulillah ya Allah.. dari sekian banyak orang yang dimaki-maki si Jepang itu, my hubbie ngga termasuk tuh.. Makanya dia curhatnya juga ama laki gue kan hehe.. Alhamdulillah juga masih dikasih kerjaan yang insya Allah bermanfaat buat orang banyak. Makasih ya Allah, we both love You so much!
Moga-moga tu orang Jepun ga baca tulisan gue hehe..
Tadi pagi ngobrol-ngobrol sama teman lama di YM. Tadinya ngobrol ngalor ngidul, lama-lama jadi ngobrolin kerjaan. Just FYI, gue dan dia sama-sama demen marketing dan kebetulan ladang rejekinya di situ, hehe..
Gue : Lu masih suka karaoke jeng?
Dia : Sayang suara sekarang bu... Kadang suara pas kerja suka abis.
Gue : Huahaha.. kayak gue sekarang, suara gue udah hampir seminggu hilang. Dipikir-pikir, nggak cuma penyanyi aja ya jeng yg modal suara, marketing kayak kita juga sama.. perasaan gue ngomong standar-standar aja deh, ngga tereak-tereak.. tapi ternyata tetep bisa ilang juga ya..
Dia : Hehehe.. ember.. Kadang-kadang kalo lagi nelpon klien, suara gue pernah ilang.
Gue : Hahahah... trus gimana tuh, binun dong orang yang diajak ngomse
Dia : Gue minta maaf, gue mute telpon..... gue minum dan batuk. Sukurnya kok ya closing hahahah.. kesian kale yaa
Gue : Hyaaaah .. apa gue kudu akting batuk juga ya kalo lagi ngomse ama prospek??
Dia : Jangan kalo lu mah.. ntar kata mereka malah, "ogah gue diprospekin orang penyakitan" hahahahah..
*Obrolan ngga penting dua orang yang lagi ngejar target*
Di film The Goodfather, kalimat sakti mereka adalah, "It's not personal, it's business." Artinya kurang lebih, kalau sedang berbisnis nggak usah mikirin perasaan, pikirin bahwa ini bisnis, ladang uang, bukan ladang pertemanan. Do whatever you need to do. Forget the consequences of hurting someone's heart, coz if you do so, you just drop yourself into such a wrong way..
Ngeri amat ya kalau itu diterapkan di bisnis yang gue jalankan.
Masa gara-gara nggak ada bahan obrolan jadi males ketemu teman? Please.. use your logical brain to make a deep thinking.. ini juga mungkin yang membuat kita makin tua makin berasa sendiri dan kesepian.
Yup, gue sedang menjaring partner.. gue juga sedang menjaring teman..
Click here.. or email me,, or BUZZ me on my Yahoo Messenger, syarah_yunita.
It's been a long time since I followed this kind of quiz. Read on.
What is your current obsession?
Get a much higher level in my business, yes, that business. May I add one more? GET PREGNANT. In fact, it is the prime obsession of mine, hehehe..
What is your weirdest obsession?
Able to kiss my knee again like I used to be.
What are you wearing today?
My torned comfy daster :P in the morning. My sleeveles undershirt + batik pants in the afternoon. My better daster in the evening hihihi..
What’s for dinner today?
Fuyunghello (it's fuyunghai I mean :P), capcay, fried noodle, chicken stewed with spices and of
course rice. Right, we had chinese food for dinner.
Why is today special?
Maybe it's because I watch "BECAUSE I SAID SO" once more and still love it.
What would you like to learn to do?
Being a moooore patient person.
What’s the last thing you bought?
My bag, two weeks ago, ups.. I bought groceries last night. Did it count?
What are you listening to right now?
Smooth Operator by Sade, "Diamond life, lover boy.
He move in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.
City lights and business nights.
When you require streetcar desire for higher heights.."
What is your favorite weather?
Drizzle in the evening, watch our favorite movie with my hubbie sits next to me (yah jadi ngayal deh..)
What is your most challenging goal right now?
Please read my number 1 answer. You guys are absolutely correct, my goal is also become my obsession now ;-)
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Nobody tagged me :-D. I copied this questions from one of my favorit bloggers.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Where my hubbie is.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
I don't know. Why does this question feel so pressure?? I can't think of anything hehehe..
What would you like to get rid of?
My internet speed.. it drives me real mad.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Paris please.
Which language do you want to learn?
France. I totally forgot since I don't practice it for years
What do you look for in a friend?
A sincere heart. Tired of two-faces kind, *sigh..*
Who do you want to meet in person?
My long lost friend in junior high. Shanty Yunita Sari.
What’s your favorite type of music?
Easy listening but not too easy please.
What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?
Again, my torned daster hahaha..
What is your dream job?
President Director of my business right now.. I believe some dreams do come true!
Any favorite models?
Don't follow the updates. I don't know any of them lately.
If you had £100 now what would you spend it on?
Charities, books and DVDs.
Favorite designer?
Have no idea.
Fashion pet peeve?
Real fur maybe? I'm not really into fashion so I don't have any comment for it.
Do you admire anyone’s style?
Nope. I don't.
Describe your personal style
Actually it can't be described. One day you'll see I look so feminine, the other day you'll see I
look so boyish. Well.. I look boring mostly hahahaha...
Don't just read, lets answer those questions above, I believe you'll have fun with them.