Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Gara-gara di rumah lagi heboh (lagi!) ngikutin serial Legend of The Condor Heroes produksi 1983 (atau kalo istilah mama saya "Film Ko Ceng dan A Yong"), dan nemu adegan blooper salah satu anggota partai pengemis lagi berantem tau-tau wig gondrongnya telepas (suwer, telepas dan gak diedit!) *bentar, ngakak dulu ah* 

Nah, saya jadi nyari-nyari blooper film Starwars yg fenomenal di kalangan pecinta bloopers, Stormtrooper Head Bump. Search aja ya di youtube.

Gara-gara itu, jadi nyari langsung ke filmnya, secara yaaaa.. suami saya itu penggila Starwars sejak kecil, dan beliau punya koleksi lengkap dari yang cakram original, cakram bajakan, hingga donlotan berekstensi .avi mulai episode IV, V, VI, dan episode I, II, III. 


Balik ke misi semula, mencari adegan Stormtrooper Head Bump di dalam filmnya, ternyata gak terlalu sulit. Nemu dan ngakak lagiiii.. Waktu ditunjukin ke suami, dia terheran-heran karena seumur hidup nonton Starwars puluhan kali gak ngeh ada adegan itu. Si istri yg ngaku-ngaku movie freak ini kok jadi niat pengen serius nonton sendiri di kamar tanpa diganggu. Jadi nonton deh sambil duduk (biasanya tiduran).

Ketawa-ketawa sendiri liat percakapan-percakapan lucu si Han Solo, dan tau-tau ada cekikikan tambahan di belakang saya, ooow ooow, ternyata misua ikutan ngikik-ngikik geli nonton Han Solo yg lagi stress dipaksa ikutan eksyen buat bebasin Princess Leia. Dari semua funny conversation, this is the best for us:

[Han answers the intercom after comandeering an attack station]

Han Solo: [sounding official] Uh, everything's under control. Situation normal.

Voice: What happened?

Han Solo: [getting nervous] Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

Voice: We're sending a squad up.

Han Solo: Uh, uh... negative, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Large leak, very dangerous.

Voice: Who is this? What's your operating number?

Han Solo: Uh...

[Han shoots the intercom]

Han Solo: [muttering] Boring conversation, anyway. LUKE, WE'RE GONNA HAVE COMPANY!
Mungkin memang gak selucu kalo sambil nonton langsung adegannya, tapi saya ama suami baca quote ini ketawa-ketawa sendiri sampe lupa mandi. O iya, sedikit penjelasan nih, dia baru pulang kerja dan saya emang belom mandi sore maksudnya. Liat jam, udah jam 19.30 ajee.. *kok bisa bangga sih jam segitu belom mandi??*

Suami: aku pengen nonton Starwars yg lengkap lagi ah kalo lagi gak banyak kerjaan.

Istri: Iya, udah lama ya nggak ditonton, kesian si Han Solo. Kamu kapan terakhir nonton?

Suami: Ya pas baru merit ama kamulah, pas ngajarin kamu nonton Starwars. 

Istri: Aku dong bisa kapanpun.

Suami: Iya dasar kamu gak ada kerjaan.

Istri: (-____-) =Muka Gondok=

Maaf ya kalo ada yang ngga ngerti postingan ini. I just wanna make a memorable moment with my hubby by writing it down. Udah ah, mandi dulu. :P

My dearest sisters in law, Mel dan Yul, konon kalian ini saksi hidup ya kalo pak Deri ini Starwars freak? Sama Alien freak juga sih. :D tanya deh ama Mom, waktu Mom sholat di sini aku lagi nonton apaan di deket beliau, yes, Starwars ep.IV (mute mode on), pas ngeliat, beliau sampe terperangah, komennya lupa, tapi kurang lebih mah: "E KAGA SALAH TU PELEM TUA AMAT!" hahahahaha..

Saturday, February 18, 2012


My mom's couch was really old. It was given by my aunt when she bought a new couch in her house. As time went by, it lost its puffy and since my mom is a cat lover just like me, no wonder lots of cat hair stuck all over it. So sad my mom and dad wasn't able to buy a new one because we prefer using our money for something much more important. Like paying bills for example :D

My mom's very old couch
Then one day my husband told me that he wants to buy my mom a new couch, so she doesn't have to get too much back pain like she did lately. I was so move with his idea, but the idea had to be postponed for a while because we needed to prepare the money (yeah I know, that's more likely a prime problem in this situation).
Finally, after several months, we could make it come true. I went with my dad to the furniture store (my husband couldn't accompany me because he had to work), and we picked one new couch. Got a very good price when I told the lady in the store that I want to buy it for my parents. Thanks mbak!
And this is the couch. This picture was taken from the internet, but it looks the same like the one I bought to my mom. Now she can enjoy watching TV more comfortable on that long side of couch. Hope you're happy and like it, Mom.

My mom's new couch
And she couldn't hide her tears when the couch came to the house. Alhamdulillah, and thanks to my husband! My parents will love you more because of this ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Cantik, ditambah dengan bakat yang luar biasa. Kombinasi indah yang diberikan Tuhan pada seorang Whitney Houston. Namun tentu saja, tak ada bakat apapun yang boleh bersisian dengan kebiasaan buruk. Obat-obatan dan alkohol, pilihan yang sayangnya telah diambil wanita cantik bersuara emas ini, biarlah sekali lagi jadi pelajaran bagi kita semua.
Despite all your decision in life that might bring you to the dark side of life, you still already had entertained us with your undeniable talent.
Goodbye Whitney.

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